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Pyrenees - Spain

Indonesia Accommodation

Here you can find essential information about Indonesia, and set up a travel package to different parts of the magnificent country.

Bali Aqua Scuba Dive

Scuba diving in Bali with Bali Aqua Scuba Dive would fascinate you to enjoy many choices of wonderful Bali Dive Sites while you travel and enjoy Bali which is famous to be called the Island of God.

Bohawo Lodge

Bahowo Lodge opened in the summer of 2003. It has been designed, built, and is now run by an English couple Phil and Paula. Our philosophy is to offer a totally personal service, tailor–made to the wishes of our guests, offering complete flexibility during your stay with us, in the tranquil environment of Bahowo Lodge.

Bali Cruises
These cruises and sea safaris offer a convenient way for visitors to Bali to enrich their experience of Asia and catch a glimpse of pre-historic times by taking a journey into regions of Indonesia little known to the rest of the world.

Nomad Tropical Surf Resort

This is the true surf resort. A Family Friendly beachfront hotel where you can safely travel with your wife, husband, children or friends, with a fun point break just paddling distance only 20 metres from your room. Also ideal for a group of mates “only boys” surf trip.

The Gili Islands

Home to the largest Irish bar on the smallest island in the world, an authentic Japanese sushi restaurant, a turtle hatchery, ominous sounding dive sites ‘Shark Point’ and miles and miles of white sandy beaches, Lombok's
Gili islands, or Gilis for short, makes a surprisingly ideal getaway destination
for everyone.

Mentawai Surf Resort

Second only to a surfing, fishing is the number 2 holiday pastime for our guests.  We provide the rods, reels and line, you provide the lures and luck.  Your daily WPM price includes the use of our speedboat for handline fishing off the reef, or trawling for the big ones. Trevali, dog-tooth tuna, wahoo, spanish mackerel, barracuda, coral trout, yellow fin tuna, mahi mahi, rainbow runner, sharks and sailfish are all caught within a 10 minute trawl of the island.



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